train experience

it was just yesterday when i posted about me not going back home because of the SPP meeting. well, for your information, i am now sitting in the living room of my home. lolz. here's the story. it was very emotional for me. 

as i was listening to the sound of the beach and tweeted that i missed home, i did not notice that there was a message from a classmate regarding the meeting. i was charging my phone at that time and i put it on an airplane mode. then, at 6.20 p.m. i looked at my phone and one my friends said that the meeting was postponed. surprised. i tried to call my friend to confirm it. but at first she did not pick up the phone. so i called my boyfriend and told him about this. he said i could still make it. he asked me to pack quickly and just take whatever is important only. he'll send me using his car cause it's faster. 

luckily i already took my bath. i just packed whatever i could and put them in the bag. and we left my house at 6.40 p.m. my train was at 7.12 p.m. it was raining and the traffic was quite heavy. while in the car he already teased me and i cried. because i hated things to go this way. we reached the train station at 7.15. i was not sure whether we could still make it. just when i reached at the platform, the train door was closing and the train started to move slowly. i stopped and turned around and looked at him. almost cried. cuz it was devastating you know. to witness such incident. 

but the guard managed to give the signal to the train and the train stopped. FOR ME! it was unbelievable. so i hopped inside the train and started to look for my seat. trust me it was my first time ever things ever occurred to me like that. as soon as i found my seat and i sat down. then i cried. literally. i called him and thanked him a lot for making it possible for me. he has this positive thinking despite his negative behaviours. he believes that i could make it. and i did. 

so i just sat there and cried for 30 minutes! luckily the girl beside me did not sit there. maybe she was sitting beside a friend and she just left her bags on the seat. i seriously cried for 30 minutes. and then i calmed down. i was so grateful and the emotions were all building up and that's why i cried. i was in disbelief. just like a movie, a train stopped for me. i would never forget this. maybe that's why i am writing this down. just like a diary. so that i can look back and read this one day and it will remind me of how i was so grateful until i sat there and cried for 30 minutes. 

the train reached my hometown nearly 10 p.m. i expected it to be at 11 p.m. so, my dad picked me up and we went to the beach because i was hungry. 

just imagine, few hours earlier i was talking about the moment i treasure the most, which is eating on the seaside with my family. and it happened to me a few hours later. i was so grateful that even until now i still am feeling grateful to God. 

good things happened to me and i got to spend my time with my beautiful family. especially with my little sister and brother. i love them so much. 

another good news is i managed to restore the things in my previous laptop which is now broken. and my mom bought a new laptop for her which means, i get back my old notebook. :) 

ah. talk about the things i managed to get, i took the hard drive from the laptop and turned it into external drive. and i got back all the pictures and my studies stuff. it was all in there. i smiled non stop for this. there are so many meaningful memories inside. again, i am so grateful for all the things that ever happened to me. 


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