First entry after posting
I never ever imagined I would live in Selangor. In fact,
this was one of the places I hated the most. Probably because the media had been
emphasizing on small matters so much until I had an impression of this place,
as a ‘bad’ place. My childish reason was Selangor takde air.
Or perhaps, another thing is because Selangor is far from
When I first read the about the posting news, I was super
shocked. I didn’t want this place. That’s what I thought. Selangor is so so far
away. Even though I’d been here for countless times because all of my tok
sedara and pak cik and mak cik live here, yet, I never imagined for me to be a
part of Selangor.
I’d written quite a number of entries for my blog, but I didn’t
really feel like posting it. Maybe cuz I think it’s a boring dumb shit that I wrote.
Anyways, here I am, and it is reaching two weeks and I’ve met two Saturdays already.
The first day was tough. My families left me. My heart ached so much and I felt
terribly lonely.
Then my roommate came, and we had dinner together with her
friends, and I knew I had awesome time that night. I laughed cause her friend
was so funny and I didn’t feel uncomfortable around them at all. Probably because
we spoke the same language which is slang orang utara. So, I felt happy cuz at
least, my mind still thinking that I was still in Penang. It felt good. Me and
the new friend also teased my roommate and we couldn’t stop laughing till we
departed ways.
And we went back home and we had a conversation. Then came
the new roommate and we slept throughout the night together. As an early riser
like me, I woke up around 5 a.m. to get ready. I went to school early the next
morning and we had bacaan yaasin and the senior assistant teacher introduced me
to the school. I felt awkward. I waved to the students like a mad queen.
Then everything was normal and so far I didn’t get my
schedule yet. Even till today.
It has been two weeks and my teaching spirit is getting
higher and higher. I just have to relief classes and at first I felt lazy to
teach. Then I sympathized with the kids who came to school and didn’t learn
anything. Then whatever subject I could teach, I would teach the kids.
The first week was tough as I always went back home late.
Even my housemate was wondering why I got home so late. Well, probably I was
stressed and there were just too many things to settle on the first week. You know,
urusan gaji and everything. On Monday, GB was not around, tak dapat lah nak
sign aku janji cuz it had to be done around her. To be honest, GB gave me a headache during my first week and I even cried.
On Selasa pulak Thaipusam. And man, I went out with my
housemate. We went to aeon big je pun. Sangat dekat dengan rumah. Jalan kaki
pon boleh sampai. It was that close. And we had nasi mamak and also we all
shopping kat Mr. DIY. Here’s the best thing. Roommate yang sorang tu memang
satu kepala dengan aku. Her name is Raihana and we call her Rai. Dari makan, shopping, drama and what we want to do with
our money, memang sama. Amazing. Aku memang agak rapat dengan dia compared to
yang sorang lagi. Memang dah banyak kali we had the same thought and we always
said, "nanti gaji masuk habis la duit aku shopping dengan hang." Lol. Then we
laughed after we said that. Cuz it is so true. So far memang dah banyak dah
plan nak berjalan dengan dia. And most importantly, we shared the same passion,
FOOD. Yang sorang lagi tu tak makan as much as we do. Kalau kami, memang dah
banyak food dalam list konon nak makan bila dapat gaji. Seriously, memang
Ever since then, our lives, well my life is filled with
laughter. Every time we went out for a meal, there’s always something funny to
talk about. Most importantly, they laughed at my jokes and my remarks even when
I didn’t have the intention to be funny. They think I am funny and I LIKE IT SO
MUCH. Haha. I do. I really like people to think I am funny instead of a boring
person yang serious je 24 hours. Memang not me lah kan. Plus, with them, I am
totally me. The honest me. I said the things that had to be said. And they just
laughed at me.
But, my roommate yang sekepala dengan aku nih, sekolah sesi
petang. Yang sorang lagi sekolah lain, tapi sesi pagi. So kalau lunch memang on
our own lah. Tapi kalau dinner, memang the trio ni lah.
Other than my two roommate, ada jugak lagi housemate yang
awesome tapi pangkat akak la. Sorang akauntan, sorang lagi cikgu sekolah
menengah. Banyak la jugak benda sembang sebab dorang memang ramah. Setiap malam
akan duduk kat ruang tamu and most of the time sembang sambil tengok tv.
On weekend, ada akak yang keja akauntan ni bawa kitorang
pegi makan kat kedai Kak Ros. What is the pronoun for trans eh? She lah kot
sebab she has boobies and everything. Sebab akak yg bawak kitorang ni cakap
tomyam dia sedap. Memang diorang selalu makan kat kedai tu. And heck yeah,
memang pedas giler tomyam dia sampai aku tak habis makan. Sangat pedas. That night, Kak Ros didn't wear bra and yes, it was weird and awkward for me to look.
The second time, Bihah je tak ikut. Dia roommate yang
sekolah lain tu. Memang dah ajak but she was too tired so she didn’t go. The housemate
who is a teacher took us to kedai Kak Ros lagi. This time around I ordered nasi
putih with daging masak merah which was sedap sebenarnya tapi daging tu sikit. We
laughed a lot during dinner and there’s always things to talk about. It’s like
my own little family here. And I do thank Allah for this wonderful gift. At least,
I didn’t feel lonely.
After dinner, akak tu bawa pegi Bukit Tinggi and it was
awesome. Memang nampak the whole KL kat situ. Well, kalau guna teropong lah. Obvious
building are of course Menara KL dengan KLCC. That night was awesome and I truly
had fun time with them. I am super grateful for everything that happened and
most of the time, I forgot, I forgot that I am here in Selangor, a place I once
What more to come? I hope everything is going well and even
if it didn’t, at least don’t make me feel so bad about it.
p/s: I can’t wait to get my own class to teach.
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