School Story 1

To be honest, I now always enjoy teaching. I mean, teaching is fun and it is very challenging as you have to cater 30+ students at a time.

As a teacher who has not yet received my own schedule, I might be a bit bias when I said this, maybe I will say otherwise when I receive my own schedule. Who knows.

Anyways, I think kids are cute. I do. Sometimes I adore them. There are just so many kids to adore even the naughty and challenging ones.

I tried my best to get their attention and make them learn something. And along the way, there were many funny cases which I wrote them down in case, I forgot.

Here's one:

"I was just sitting at the teacher's desk in front of the classroom. I gave them work to do. Then, ada dua orang murid, and they were discussing about their age. More like debating who is older according to month of birth.

Boy 1: Aku lahir dulu dari kau. Aku lahir bulan 4, aku lagi tua la.
Boy 2: Aku lahir bulan 8. *feeling proud sebab anak merdeka kan.*

Then Boy 2 looked at me and asked, "Teacher lahir bulan berapa?"
Me: 11

He turned around and told his friend,

"Kalau ikut bulan, aku lagi tua dari teacher. Tapi kalau ikut umur, teacher lagi tua la."

I wanted to laugh when I heard their conversation. Hadoi. Lawak OK budak-budak zaman sekarang.


  1. haha kelakar budak2 ni... lin, semoga jadi teacher yg baik! :)

    1. haha.tulah.macam2... aamiin. inshaAllah akn jadi teacher yg baik. :)


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