assalamualaikum wbt n peace upon all...

it's quite early in the morning when i lost the post i just wrote. @#$@#$@#$.

i really hope my dad will allow me to go to Perlis. i really want to go there. with Syafiza. so that i wont waste my time sitting and doing nothing though i could do everything. >.<"

i am waiting for my clothes to be washed by the washing machine, of course, who else could have done that better than him? so, here i am, sitting in front of my laptop typing for my new post.

well, guys, i just read a note on fb about a boy who cheated on his girlfriend. meaning here, he had two girlfriends. *dam* why can't 1 be enough???* so, things go on without his real girlfriend noticed. but in the end, he got caught. of course, he broke her heart. but she's so kind to forgive him and accept him back. two weeks after that, he got a message from a friend, saying that his girlfriend met an accident and passed away. he felt the guilt till now.

though it's a sad story, i would say to my readers, don't cheat ! just remember, what goes around comes around. what u did to people, u might be experiencing it, soon. never think u r good enough to play on someone else's heart.. well, i've been there. i mean, being cheated. but, luckily my wakeup call approached me quickly. so, i am able to open up my eyes and know that he's not the only one. he does not deserve me. ngeh3.. ok, that one is a good motivation, for me.

i just realized how i had wasted my time, my tears, MY MONEY AND MY FRIENDS on him. i lost almost all my friends and found one bff, and i was stupid enough to believe that he would be there for me all the time. from the moment i got my wakeup call, i am now brave enough, wise enough. well, it's a life lesson anyway. u won't learn anything unless u experience it.

well readers, i want to ask u a question, if u were given a chance to turn back time, what will u do and what will u not want to do?

this topic will be discussed in my next post. please reply me as soon as possible alright~ :)


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