
assalamualaikum wbt n peace upon all..

Today I want to talk about jealousy. How people can get jealous over some silly things until big things. I just watched my friend’s holiday photos. I was so jealous that she and her family could have such a great moment overseas. Previously, she went to Bali, and this time around she went to India. Wow, what an awesome holiday. I envied her so much. For me, there is no way my family could afford going to such places. Simply because I have a big family, consisting 8 people including me. Since my dad only work as a teacher, he can’t afford each person to go overseas right? But that doesn’t mean I have to give up my family and star to find a rich family. Okay, that is just too much isn’t it?

Even though I am not able to go to such nice places, I am grateful enough though. There is no such place else called home to me. I love being here, at home with my family, enjoying every word that came out from my mom’s mouth, even though she’s angry with me. I enjoy every food my dad bought me even though I want to be slimmer. I enjoyed watching movies with my siblings even though I have watched it for thousands of times. In simple phrase is, I love my family. I am lucky enough to have each member of my family be with me right this second. I should be grateful to God, shouldn’t I? Well, as a matter of fact, I enjoyed spending time with my family.

Well, some people might just be jealous over silly things right? But as a human, we should be grateful for what we have. What we have now, we might lose it. So, appreciate every moment in your life. Be grateful friends. Don’t take others’ stuff just because you don’t have it. Stealing someone else’s property won’t give you satisfaction, earn it and value it ! That’s my advice. have a nice day everyone and remember, be thankful especially to God. Alhamdulillah~


  1. hoi..buat essay bi kew? keh keh keh....mentg2 nk jd cikgu...

  2. haha.. chill r.. aku mls tekan enter. hehe


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