two days trip

assalamualaikum wbt. n peace upon all.

good morning everyone. well, i just got back from my trip to bangi. all thanks to Shiron for driving me there. too bad i still haven't got my driving license. if not, I'LL BE YOUR CO-DRIVER. teehee..

we departed after Asar, at about 6pm.. we made our pit stop at Hentian Sungai Buloh. we stopped there at about an hour for our dinner and pray. along the way, the traffic was fine although it rained heavily. i was kinda bit worried because we couldn't even see the front car. but we made it through~ :)

we reached UKM at about 10pm. all because of finding the road and calling so much people. after putting down all our stuff at Husnul's room, which i wanted to say BIG THANKS N HUGS for giving us a place to sleep. right after we put our begs, we went down and meet my old friend from IPIS. we hang around till 12 and because we were all so tired, we went back and slept at 1am.

the next morning we went to putrajaya. picking up my friend and shiron's friend was a confusing moment. after picking up these two men, we headed to Alamanda Putrajaya which we went for karaoke and movie. we watched the mechanic. my comment on the movie, it was not so good and it was not that bad. it just that at the beginning, the movie was quite boring. i was about to sleep already. hehe. before we watched movie, we went for karaoke. which cost all of us about rm50 ! isk3... just to sing~~

after that we went to mines. just walking around and meet ajim. after that, we headed back to UKM and prepared ourselves for our next event. downtown Cheras~~ yey! i've never been out late at night. this was my first time, and it's awesome! it was so crowded that even finding a parking place to park took us some time. the result was, we reached UKM at 2.30 am and i slept at 3.oo am. the next morning, i woke up at 6.50a.m n prepared myself to go back to ipoh~


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