what's on ur mind?

assalamualaikum wbt. n peace upon all..

hey everyone? how's ur morning today? mine is not probably not as fun as the others cuz i ended up my morning online! such a boring activity right? well, i was supposed to go to the mall and buy my dad's present but i was on my bed longer than i was supposed to. what to do, i couldn't go this morning but i WILL this evening.

i want to celebrate my dad's birthday cuz he's the man i appreciate and love the most in this world. i know he loves me too. *sweet daughter and father*

ok, stop this kind of drama!

i want to ask, what's ur concept of a healthy lifestyle? eating good food, regularly exercise, get enough sleep.. is it?

well then, i believe none of us is having a healthy lifestyle. am i right? seriously speaking, who can resist mcdonalds, kfc, pizza hut, domino pizza, and all of those junk foods sitting on the bench of racks in a mart?in resisting these types of food nowadays, u just need to have a very strong mentality. maybe put in ur mind that u don't need these kind of foods, u just need good foods. junks foods are bad foods. ok, that is not as easy as we think it is. it's harder to do it rather than saying it.

why the hell i am talking about good food or bad food this morning?

oh, i just wanted to go on diet which i am unable to because of low mentality and too much bad foods temptation. -.-"

i really want to reduce 10 kg from my current weight. that is such a big amount right? u must be thinking i am a very very very very very very fat fat lady which her stomach looks like a burger king burger, and her legs are like elephant's legs and her cheeks are like air balloons.. -.-''

look, i am nothing like the above descriptions. haha. it's just that i want to look a bit slimmer coz all my family members are saying i'm fat, just because they're skinny they don't have to judge me like that. sigh~~

whatever it is,to me, it's hard to find new clothes that fit me because of this. i really want to be like my classmates, aten or rose who's like, i can eat everything but nothing will affect me which is just not me. i am nothing like that. i am a person who will bloat very very very very fast. even a slightest piece of burger will affect me. ok, that's a lie.

luckily i have friends that can accompany my to do my new hobby, jogging. well, i love to run since i was a kid. but during high school, i stopped this activity and started new one, hibernate. and that's why i turned up to be like this, fat lady~

okay, enough with today's entry, i have to bathe. hehehe.. see ya next time n please, have a healthy lifestyle~

p/s: i need to change my life.


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