cuti-cuti malaysia | kedai buku terpakai di penang

assalamualaikum wbt n peace upon all.. 

hey guys. soalan yang memang tak kering di bibir. how do you spend your holidays? going for a vacation? spend more time with family at home? or playing games cause when you were at college you were so busy studying till you couldn't find a tiny space for playing games which is so not me? or like me, READ. anything. blog. magazines. novels. newspaper. ANYTHING.

well, if you are a book lover like me, please be crazy about this entry.. :) 

few days ago, which i found myself couldn't count how many days had went by, my father took me and my sisters and brother and my mother to a book store. this one, is not like any other book store you have always entered. this book store is the place where books are sold at a very very very cheap price. how do i say this. erm, if in Malay, my dad will say, 'kedai buku terpakai'. 

people sell their books that they don't want here and this store sell the books. got it? i can also say it has the garage sale style except for that place is never a garage. LOL 

ok, here's the story. i went there. and i see the huge amount of books. tons of books. many many books. with a very very cheap price. 

you'll be amazed of this store. i found myself dizzy going back and forth. 

these are my favourites. gonna keep them well. for my children. :P 

surprisingly, nampak kurus lak.. hahahaha.. giler prasan ! 

you can find any book here. from school books, to comics, to reference books. anything yaww.. 

oh, lupa nak cakap. this store ada kat penang. so, the fastest way is to naik ferry. sebab lebih dekat. sebab tu lah the fastest way. lau guna jambatan pulau pinang, lambat sikit nak sampai. :) 

alamat kedai ni, i tak tau lah pulak. 

so, lau mau datang penang, you must go to this place. and shop banyak2.. 


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