What a Drama ! Fuhh

Assalamualaikum wbt n peace upon all.

As you all knew, our result had come out yesterday, oh wait, you don't, ahh, you knew now. 

And so my result dropped like hell. I was freaking out. Still am though. But whatever. What's done cannot be undone.. 

So, as the heartbreaking news entered my heart, I was desperately needed someone to listen. Of course, I could not tell my parent about my result, nor others in the house. So, I called him. AA. 

I called him like zillion times and he didn't even pick up any of my calls. As I was getting angry and mad at him, I decided to stop calling him and sent Ima a message instead. 

Then for a while, I received a phone call. Unknown number. Luckily I picked it up. Cause sometimes I don't. Unless the unknown caller calls me twice then I will pick up just in case it's an emergency. 

So the unknown caller was actually AA. He told me he couldn't pick up the phone cause it was locked in his room. He couldn't enter his room. It's kinda funny. I mean, who got locked out of their room? It rarely happens but I believe him. 

Then he sent me messages through Facebook telling me he felt very sad cause he couldn't pick up the ringing phone. Can you imagine? A person sitting out of the room listening to his own ringtone but couldn't pick up the phone. What a drama! 

So, it wasn't him the person I talked to about my heartbreaking news. It's okay though cause later he comforted me. Calming me down and everything. Even though I did push him away. Haha.. Sorry dear. I really have to cry that night. 

Anyway, now I am up for the big challenge next semester. Like I said to him, I need to taste the tumbling down feeling so that I can be strong later.

It's okay for me to feel this way. Everyone else did somehow. Now it's just my turn. 

Of course I won't let the past haunting me. I will keep them as a memory and also as a reminder. Definitely looking at it in a positive mood now. What's up must come down. Then up again! :) 

Everything's okay now. So, must be super extra hardworking next semester. And, I really wish we can do the assignments together dear, again. 

And, to my Dear AA, congratulations for your result ! Gempak sangat. Even I tak pernah sampai level tu. So tahniah sayang. So, strive for excellent k cause I am about to do the same. 

Bye-bye everyone! Mmmuaahhxx (wow, this is new!)


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