
Assalamualaikum wbt n peace upon all. 

Traveling is so much fun ! Traveling home is totally fun. But, it is always risky. That's because we can't foresee the future and what's going to happen to us. I am not wishing something's bad but there's always a risk. 

I thought only guys travel by motorcycle. How stereotype I was. But after my conversation with my best friend, she actually travels home by riding motorcycle with her friend. I was so shocked. It is a long ride. I know. 

I was very worried when she told me this that is because I had seen lots of accidents happen on the highways. I do not wish for something bad happens to my best friend. She said to me she had travel with her for a few times and even her parents are okay with it. I think my parent will never allow me to do such thing. It is very dangerous. 

Even though I travel home by car, but when my mom asked me about the speed, I would say I drove about 80-90 km/h. Haha. What a total lie. You think when my mom finds out about how fast I drive, she will allow me drive myself home? I don't think so. I think she will ask me to go home by bus or my father will fetch me there. 

For me, I am not being pampered here or whatever but I prefer to have 2 hours driving rather than 2 hours sitting on the bus having nothing to do and sitting beside unknown guy.

Not to mention the people who are very annoying on the bus that never heard of the use of earphone and keep playing their favourite songs as if everyone in the bus enjoy them! Yeah, I would rather avoid that.

If I am lucky, I get to sit alone or sitting beside a girl. 

The other reason is  I really like to have a huge luggage as I really have a lot to bring home. So if I take a bus to go home, I will have to carry a huge luggage alone with my small body. 

I don't believe there really are gentlemen out there unless you are wearing a very sexy clothes then only these young and strong men will help.

I still remember a friend of mine who got on the bus to go home. Behind her was a young boy who kept on kicking on my friend's seat. She couldn't get some sleep. Can you imagine? It was very annoying. 

Then somehow the boy's arm got stuck on the arm rest. Then my friend was like, Ha! Padan muka! Duduk tak diam lagi. But again, of course she did not say this to the boy because the mom was there. She just didn't want to create a fuss there. So she continued to sleep. Haha. 

 I am not discriminating against riding bus to go home, but this is my choice. I refused to go home by bus.

This is just my random thoughts at night. Good night everyone. :)


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