Growing Up still not a Grown-Up

Assalamualaikum wbt n peace upon all...

Today's date is 12/11/2012. Duh.. Everyone knows that. I just want to say, I am amazed how fast time flies. Can you believe it, the last thing you remember you were still at school. Giggling with your friends, talking about things that are so not related to your studies, admiring the same person at school, admiring idols and everything. Now, you have family of your own, you are graduating. 

And me, I still remember the date when I enter this institute. Not a mental institute, mind you. It's an institute for teachers' training. I look at the old pictures and smile and wonder, why the hell i took pictures like that? 

The next month, it is a new semester. Semester 5. Means, I have 3 semesters left before graduating. And ! I am going to be a teacher soon. For the next semester, my batch needs to go to school, for one month practicum. Can you imagine? Me, a teacher? Who am I kidding? 

These are the pictures when I was so young. Do I look like a teacher? Don't answer that. :)


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