three shitty drivers!

today i went to my practicum school because there was unfinished business there. the guard got mad at us and showed ugly face to us, but i didn't blame her because she had to take care of the school. i got that. never mind that.

but today, i met three fucking useless driver. argh. totally got mad at them. first one, there was this  lorry driver. i know the fact that the road near my house doesn't have a white line to separate the two lanes but at least be fucking considerate lah! you overtook my road until the left of my car had to move half away from the road because you don't even know the meaning of being considerate! there was more on your side you asshole useless driver! 

that was one. the other one happened when i wanted to go out from giant mall. there were traffic light there. mine was already green and the other side of course lah red light. but there was this fucking ugly useless kancil driver. yes kancil driver to be specific, that person drove very fast that he did not stop. i was going out. it almost became an accident. if that ever got into a police case, of course i would win because that damn driver did not stop at red light. fuck you kancil driver just now! you think you saw a girl drove a car you can do whatever you want is it?? fuck you again because guess what, i am not like any other normal girl. you want to fight, BRING IT ON! i am totally on fire right now.

third one, how do i explain this, erm there was one this useless van driver, he was going so damn slow, it's normal by the way, but the car behind it wanted to turn into a corner, that car had been giving us left signal for so long but still couldn't enter the corner because of this stupid sloww van driver. so the car followed quite close to the van and suddenly this van also wanted to turn left. what a bitch. that car almost hit the back of the van. then again, this stupid useless van driver who had been giving signal to the left, drove so slow but still did not make a turn. now he had to overtook a motorcycle. stupid lah this van driver. in the end i overtook that van because he was driving like 20km/h. damn slow! 

that's my driving story. not to mention, i was very angry at one person because i asked that person to go out but that person refused. 

i got to have a chat with abang nasi ayam anyway and i have now, in my hand, strawberry chocolate ice blended from cool blog. so cool! 

i wanted to write, just now, i told that brother from the rice chicken that i didn't want soup and soy sauce then he asked me, why? does the soup taste bad? i laughed. i said no, it's because i didn't like soup. suddenly he asked me, would you hang out with a mad man? i told him no. who would? nice chat anyway. 

this cool blog is so awesome.. i'm going to eat now. i will try to forget those shitty driver. 


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