fake hadis? do you know?

have you ever heard something and immediately believed it? how can you be sure whether it's true or not? 

when you heard something, please do a deep research about it. unless you don't even want to bother about it and it is a waste of time researching for it then what's the point of listening to it at the first place? you can ignore it. but when it comes to serious matter, you cannot take it lightly. what has been said might be true and it might be not. it is the same as hadis. i know, i am not pious enough to talk about this but this is what i know and what i have learned, so i just wanted to share. if you want to ignore this, please do so. i won't lose a thing. 

there are lots of hadis in this world. but, how true is that hadis? is it acceptable? some people created hadis because they want the people to be good. so they say, Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. said this and that, but is that really the truth? 

there are few types of hadis. the one that we should listen to and believe is hadis sahih. which means, the perawi and the sanad are not from common people. they are the ulama'. their words are truth and they are very very pious. 

when you listen to some hadis, please make sure who is the perawi, and who are the sanad. so that you won't be fooled next time around.

not all people can be perawi. there are few terms and conditions to be a perawi. so, believe me, perawi are not common people. 

for example, this is one hadis, 

the bolded one are the sanad. whereas the underlined one are the perawi. the names stated in this hadis are very convince-able people. So, this hadis is a valid one.

Dari Abi Abdurrahman Abdillah bin Umar bin Khattab ra. berkata: Aku telah mendengar Rasulullah saw bersabda: "Bangunan Islam itu atas lima perkara Mengakui bahwa tiada Tuhan melainkan Allah dan sesungguhnya Muhammad itu Utusan Allah, Mendirikan Shalat, Mengeluarkan Zakat, Mengerjakan Haji ke Baitullah dan Puasa bulan Ramadhan." 
(Bukhari - Muslim)

sometimes it annoys me when people simply believe that this hadis is true, we should follow it because our Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. said so. please lah... you don't simple trust one source. make sure you have a good research and understanding about it first before you accept it. 

after this, please beware of certain hadis. it might be invalid. just remember, look at the sanad and the perawi. 

these are the famous perawi. 

  1. Abu Hurairah R.A
  2. Abdullah bin Umar R.A
  3. Anas bin Malik R.A
  4. Saiyyidah Aisyah R.A
  5. Abdullah bin Abbas R.A
  6. Jabbir bin Abdullah R.A
  7. Abu Said Khudri R.A
p/s: during Prophet Muhammad's days, there are no such thing as fake hadis because they can directly ask Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. the truth. this issue occurs after the death of our Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.. 


  1. you were listing the sanad, dont you think?

    perawi as underlined:
    ibn majah
    imam malik
    abu daud


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