
When I was accompanying him eating his food, I came up with this idea to blog. A funny one. Really. Well, perhaps to Muslim only. 

As Muslims, of all the animals in the world, there are only two which is haram for us to touch. If we touch it, then we must clean the part which had touched the animal with soil water and water. There are few amounts of it and I don't wish to tell you into detail about that. Well, the two special and selected animals are dogs and pigs. 

Here is the beginning of a real hilarious story. 

It was evening. We were having Gerko class that day. It was En. Amir who was teaching. We had class in the college gym. It was a boring class because most of us are not into sports. So, fooling around session in the class had happened. The topic was, pigs. I didn't know how they came out with that topic. I forgot. 

According to one of my classmates, we only have to clean ourselves with soil water and water also known as samak if we touch the pink pig. If it's the black pig, then we don't have to clean it. 



Of course, we burst out laughing. Really hard until there were tears in everyone's eyes. Then they were arguing, no, every pig must samak lah! Then she still wanted to straighten up her story Telling us that she thought, we have to samak only after touching that pink pig. She was cute by the way, and that's why it was so funny. After telling everything to En. Amir, that girl accused Shidah for afraid to touch a snail (siput babi) because she thought she would have to samak after touching it. 

We laughed really really hard.

Even pigs can make us laugh really hard. 


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