just stuff

hey there. guess what? we had a counselling session just now. well, it was okay. we're the bad people. always and forever. well, never been to a counselling before. even the counselor did not think us as bad students. hah! anyway, forget about the hot issue that was going on for a while. even some of the lecturers did give us that mocking look and when you look at them you feel like you want to put up your middle finger and say, "stay the hell out of this!" yerp. well, at least that's what i'd felt. 

to that person, i just want to ask, what is it that you got that you had to put me down in front of strangers like that? calling me lazy? well, you are even worse. hello! look in the mirror? what can you see? a damn ghost! i can still give you comments about your appearance if you want me to. you are thin, i am fat. well, at  least, i am young and you are old! witch. 

right. i don't even feel like it's worth it for me to talk about you in my blog. old wretch! i will somehow forget this, and be extra careful in front of you. coz, you and your mouth are very unpredictable. if i put on extra make up you ask whether i am going out with my boyfriend. i don't put make up just because i am going out with boyfriend. i put it on whenever i want. if i gained extra pounds or kilos, you also asked about that. hey, it's not your body lah. so, fuck off. i can eat whatever and whenever i want. please don't be too kind to concern about MY BODY. please do take care of yours cause i don't see you as a beautiful person either. 


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