
quite recently i bought a smartphone (android) for a cheap price. so, i was kinda excited to download all those apps. but, 

i wanted to chat with him through we chat, line, whatsapp, etc. so i asked him to buy an android too. 

but he refused....... OMG

that's just because he's afraid. he's afraid that i will check everything on his phone and get caught later on. 

even with his phone right now, i always asked for it and read all his messages. 

it's not that i am a paranoid girlfriend who doesn't trust her boyfriend, i just wanted to know how is he when he's messaging with his friends and what are they talking about (so keypochi).. that's all.. 

that's just his reason but i am sure going to force him to buy one. 

but then he questioned me back, when am i going to save money to marry you.... 


what a demanding girlfriend he has.. 


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