Romantic Song I love

I guess being a human, you can't really escape from the realm of 'falling in love' or the least, 'liking someone'. 

When that time comes, then we start to listen to romantic songs or love songs that we have never even think about to listen to them. 

While listening to the love songs, we imagine ourselves dedicating that song to our love or crush.. Okay. I said this based from my experience. LOL

But, to me the most romantic song ever is from Daniel Beddingfield entitles If you're not the one. 

It's so romantic that I really wish that my future husband will sing this song to me. But mind you, not everybody has the talent to sing.

Anyway, the lyrics is so beautiful that I never really get bored listening to it for thousand times! 

You should listen to it too. :)

Later peeps



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