i hate

i am a person who really can't stand bugs. did i tell you before. yeah, i think i have. 

the only thing i will never touch is, the old trash with maggots.. yucks. hearing its name, or mentioning its name is making me wanting to vomit... puke puke puke...


i hate that.. 

if i someone ever give that thing to me apparently as joke, then don't be surprised if i ended his or her life. 

i am serious man...

i totally hate that creature... so much..

i still remember, when i was in my previous rent house, that creature attacked us (our kitchen). i did not take the responsibility to clean it up because the one who was responsible for throwing the trash was not me. so, touching that creature was a hell no no to me. 


i stayed away far from the kitchen.. if that creature suddenly crawled up to my feet, even after washing my feet with soap, like twice, put lotion some more after that, i could still feel its dirtiness on my feet.. 

yerp.. till that extend.. 

and yes, i already talked about this with my boyfriend, if he happened to be my husband.. 

i told him, if that creature ever lived in our house, like it or not, he has to deal with it. so not going to touch them.. 


it's my duty to throw the rubbish for this week in my rent house. but then again, the trash had been there for about two days? i don't know, i was not here. 

so, when i wanted to tie up the trash, i saw those freaking ugly and disgusting creature. i had no choice. i asked for help from my beloved housemate. i couldn't stand looking at it. 

even while she's cleaning it, i was about to vomit.. 



i am very grateful towards her. i am thinking of buying her dinner tomorrow. i am that grateful to her for doing this to me.... 

basically that's about the creature enemy.. please stay away from me. 


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