The Random Act of Kindness

For this month (Ramadhan), I think I want to post about this. 

I actually heard this on the radio this morning while driving to college. 

The topic was 'The random act of kindness.' 

Have you experienced it before? Or perhaps do it before? 

Perhaps I might, but I'm not really sure now. Usually when the one who does the kindness will not really remember it but the one who receives the kindness will never forget. 

Well, isn't that is always the way? 

Here goes my story of the random act of kindness. Experienced by me and till today I am still grateful for what she did for me. 

The night before I had to go for my BIG program at Taiping, I washed my clothes. But since it's at night, I did not hang the clothes because I intended to do it in the morning. 

But, I was running late on that morning and I left the house without hanging my clothes to dry. 

I just left without thinking about the clothes. Having a great moment there and everything. 

After I got back home, I was surprised to see my dried clothes on the sofa. Syira was the one who willingly and kindly to dry my clothes. I was touched. She said, she'd pity me since my clothes would be smelly if I just leave it like that. 

Isn't what she did amazing? Nobody has ever done this to me before and I really appreciate it. Thanks Syira.. :) 

During this barakah month, we should try to do more good things instead of the other way round. Please do remember that this does not mean that we should do good things ONLY in this month and be such a bad ass for the other months. 

So, what's your experience of random act of kindness? 

P/S: remember, you may did a small act of kindness to some people and the next day you will forget about it, but trust me, the one who receives it, will remember you forever. 


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