13 feb 2017

Today I came in late for my course.. it was a long ride with the traffic at rawang and I was pretty much in stress. I really was. You know when you have everything in plan and when life just doesn't stick to that plan, it just frustrates me so much. This is a rare occasion though because I believe I am a very flexible person. Haha. Big laugh to my face. 

It was very tiring for me, and at school I felt like crying because I just wanted to go home and rest. My body was not feeling it hence I was not in the mood of being grateful. 

Then I contacted a friend of mine, and she told me about her good news and I am glad for her, truly am. But deep down inside I was feeling jealous of her. Why? Because she gets to live with her husband and I can't. We are different. I really shouldn't feel sorry for myself but since I was pretty damn tired the feeling overrode me. 

Then I talked to a friend of mine and I just felt relieved I talked to her. She gave me good advices and now I am calm again. 

I thought I will be flat on the bed right after school, but guess what, right now I think I have quite the energy and after a bath I feel okay again. I am glad. 

Allah has protected me so far, and for that I am grateful. Alhamdulillah. With His permission as well, I got to go home smoothly. Alhamdulillah. I am still in his protection. 

I miss my husband very much. Not even one second that I dont miss him. I truly wish for us to be living together very very soon. I leave the decision to Allah for I need peace in my heart and by giving all to Him inshallah I will be peaceful. Aamiin. 


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