Emotional rollercoaster

I am crying in the car right now. Such a crybaby. A lot of things have been going on in my mind and I am not comfortable.

Emosi orang pregnant memang camni ke eh? Or mungkin aku penat sgt2. Letih sampai benda kecik pun aku nak nangis.

Kisahnya, kena marah dengan motor in front of school sebab aku tak sabar nak keluar. Yelah.. he shouted in front of everybody, 'sabar lah!'

Yes. I admit. Memang aku tak sabar. Try lah suruh pregnant lady yang dah turun naik tangga seharian sabar. I cant. I lost it just now.

And the best part when I told my husband about this he did not calm me and back me up which upset me even more.

It was small stuff. Really. Kalau pikir balik dua tiga minggu lagi memang akan gelak je bende ni or mungkin akan lupa jer. Tapi right now, entah.

I have no one to tell about this. Guess what, skang kat depan rumah lagi. Tak masuk pun lagi.

And I lost my appetite. Can I not eat?

Afterall, dia cakap, pandai-pandai la jaga perut sendiri. Makes me want to mogok even more.

Hish. Am oh am. Why lah emotional rollercoaster sangat hari ni.

Oh ya, lupa nak cerita, dah habis kelas, budak kelas muntah! Luckily bukan depan aku. But then cikgu waktu kejadian takde sebab dia ajar pj and budak-budak nanti turun je. It happened at those time. Memang dah settle. Parent dia datang amik and everything tapi aku pikir sape yg kemaskan muntah tu tadi. Mestilah bukan aku kan. Hahahaha.

K.. nak chill jap depan rumah calming myself. 


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