Check up 22 feb

I am at the clinic right now.. so many people are here. Looking at pregnant women with their husbands accompanying them I feel a little bit jealous. But I know I have to be strong. For this little aby. If not I wouldn't come at all.

For this check up, I will be injected. Quite scary ey? Seriously memang takut.

You know how our society macam caring sangat-sangat. Kadang-kadang sampai rimas.

Before I got married, memang dok fikir taknak anak sampai lah dapat duduk sekali. But then orang sekeliling asyik pesan and say negative things when it comes to pregnancy.

"Jangan plan, nanti tak dapat langsung."

I got this before I got married. Can you imagine how I felt then?

Memang fikir banyak lah before kahwin tu but then lepas kahwin and bincang dgn husband, he said ada rezeki ada lah. Like that. Like totally berserah kt Allah. Yes. Memang kita taktaw whats gonna happen so memang biar jelah. Takde planning.

As a woman, kita taktau how far kita punya kesuburan. Ad orang period teratur je, but then lepas kahwin, belum rezeki. Benda mcm ni memang unpredictable.

So, we tested and we got the good news. So okay lah kan? Lesson learned. Aku subur! Hahaha. Lepas ni yg no dua kena planning okay.

Kadang kecik hati dgn kwn kt tempat kerja. Dorang mostly suka cakap ikut sedap without thinking thoroughly pasal what I've gone through.

Yelah. Aku pun mcm tu kan kadang-kadang..i guess that is normal for any human.

Sometimes memang tak amik hati. Sometimes memang menangis jugak.

But for now, aku taknak fikir benda yg belum tentu jadi or benda akan datang sebab bila aku fikir kompemmmmmm aku stress and menangis and I wont be stable emotionally. So not good for me and the baby as well.

Apa-apapun berserah kat Allah. He knows best. InshaAllah. Semoga ada rezeki baby nak duduk dgn papa dia. Aamiin. 


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