wednesday 1st february

when i went to work last wednesday it was a very stressful day for me. so as usual, i made my husband his drinks before i went to KL, and everything went smoothly that morning for me. 

initially i wanted to service my car since it had reached 40K km. luckily on the highway there were not that many cars and it just went on smoothly. i drove happily and then i went to the service center. but unfortunately it was full. so i booked an appointment for 9 o'clock. then i went back home and got some rest before i went to school. 

at school, here comes the thing that ruined my day but somehow i found it amusing in the end. 

my friend told me that i had to go to the meeting in PPD the next day and it just ruined my plan. i had an appointment. so then i needed to change the schedule. i was pretty upset that day. and super stressful that i made a decision to quickly fill in the forms of egtukar. 

zohor. after i performed the prayer, there was this teacher asking about my maternity leave. how long was i gonna take my maternity leaves. so i told her lah, 3 months. then she said, if it is first child, no need lah take that long. later i wont have enough ML if another child came. and then she asked, how  many children was i planning to have and i told her only three. then she said, oh, then it's enough but you better think about it who knows if you have any more children coming your way more than 3. 

then i was starting to get annoyed. i made my decision and i don't really need their advice to tell me this and that. if that happened, then i'll figure it out later lah. what's wrong with that. 

in the class i was quite stressful and luckily the children behave not so wildly then the day went on smoothly and i talked to few friends and i was having lots of thoughts that i just stressed me out. until i talked to my bff and i told her the stories that when i thought about it i just amused. 

i've been a lone ranger for such a long time and i have been living fine on my own and yes at times i dont need companion. i believe  i am an independent woman. 

then the day went on smoothly afterwards. i even recorded my baby kicking my tummy and it was so obvious as my little one was very active that day. it just made me smiled. alhamdulillah. then i just went on my day feeling grateful with my life. oh, here's a funny scene (least for me lah)

me: *looking at my own reflection on the car while talking to my husband on the phone* abang, kesian tengok wife abang balik keje. 

husband: kenapa? nampak macam bibik indon balik keje eh? 

me: %$@#$%^$^$^

hahaha. when husband told me the real stuff. foine husband foine.. 


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