miss home

assalamualaikum wbt n peace upon all..

i miss home. so much. my paper? it was a disaster! n i don't feel like talking about it. hurmm.. right now i'm listening to japan's songs. the songs really remind me of my sister. she really admires japan's songs. n she made me listen to the songs. of course, she got influenced by the songs and now at home, instead of calling 'mak' (mom) she called okaasan which stands for mom. n all sorts of japan's expression came out from her mouth. for example, she likes to say, tasukete when she is desperate for help... haish~~~~ 

bt for me, haha.. i got influence from korea of course. instead of calling my mom, mak, i called her, omma! hehehe.. anyway, this post is not about me. it's about this lil sis of mine.

she even said to my mom that she can't wait to grow up to be just like me. LOL.. my mom told me that n i was like, WTH ?? i never like it whenever my sisters trying to copy me because i'll say they don't have originality on their own. hehe.. seriously, i never like it. 

so, when she said that i was laughing out real hard. i mean real hard.. haha.. 

of course this fella kept copying every act of mine. even when i'm at home, she did things that i had done before and only now i realize, IT'S VERY ANNOYING ! haha.. 

she has this habit, talking behind people's ear! urgh, it disturbs me so much. i warned her not to do that, but she kept doing that ! urgh, annoy annoy annoy. i was annoyed. but though i seriously don't like her, but she's still my sister. n i love her. n right now, here i am, listening to her songs and missing her...

moral values: do love ur sisters kay~ 


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