r.e.s.p.o.n.s.i.b.i.l.i.t.y. do u have it ?

assalamualaikum wbt  n peace upon all.. 

sorry i was busy for the past few days. yesterday, exactly. i was at home (Penang) for the last weekend and i was off from my responsibility as a student because i did nothing at home. part of the reason for my laziness is because i was sick which most of my time spent on my bed, sleeping.. that's what u get after u ate those kind of medicines. :-/

anyway if u ask me if i want to be a child again, i would say yes. this might sounds silly to you but for me it doesn't. why ? do u think it's easy to be a grown up or an adult ? being an adult is full of responsibilities. u have to do almost everything on ur own. u have to make big decisions in ur life. 

the burdens came when u live far away from ur parents. in the morning, as soon as u open up ur eyes u have to make a decision which will affect ur whole life. u can choose, either to continue sleeping or u want to get up, get some knowledge and accomplish ur dream. em, u might also accomplish ur dream as in dreaming in ur sleep. that one is easier, but none of it will become reality. am i right ?

then, the next decision u have to make is either to go to ur class or to go loitering around? and if u choose the second choice i can tell that u r a irresponsible person. (consider this is a life of a student) haha. don't ask me why. if u don't go to ur class, u will have to face the consequences. perhaps, fail in ur exam ? well, if it's in my college, an example of irresponsible person is some of my friends who skipped class and when the attendance is taken (by the PKU) that irresponsible person will change the attendance from absent to present which i assume that as cheating. i guess u can't see that Allah is watching u. btw, i really hate it when i saw it. 

to make things short, i just wanted to say, a grown up must take responsibility seriously. because when u don't, u'll make a nuisance and interference and give troublesome to others. hello, u r not living on ur own u know ! i still remember my lecturer said, the way u behave right now is the way ur parent shaped u. would u parents to be called bad parents when u don't behave well? so, behave everyone! hehe.. *i'm also reminding myself. 

for a student, i would advise this, u r 100% responsible for ur own success ! 

take a look at these pictures. 

*that two persons who did nothing are the dumbest persons on earth i've ever seen ! don't u think so? look what will happen when u don't take responsibility seriously, it will somehow affect ur life*

*this is another example of a irresponsible person. they blame others for their own mistake ! this cartoon has a deep meaning u know. !*

*okay, this one is a joke...* 


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