obstacles n temptation

assalamualaikum wbt n peace upon all..

good morning everyone. i have no class today. supposedly, for the whole week there shall be no class (study week) but we haven't finished our syllabus so we still have to go to the class. plus, the lecturers are all very hardworking and they won't let us off. *sigh

okay, study week means i am supposed to revise all the things that i have learnt for this semester. n i am supposed to be like this : 

instead, i spent most of my times watching movies n drama n variety shows. haha...

okay, this is the variety show from korea. it provides me with lots of laughter ! can't stop laughing watching this show! LOL

this is another from korea. family outing. it also provides me with laughter all the time. so funny ! :D

 this is one of my favourite drama. desperate housewives. they are hot mamas u know~~ 

this is the diary of a wimpy kid. it's actually a book but then they made a movie exactly from the book. the book is so much different n so easy to be read n a lot of simple english is used so it is very suitable for those who just learnt English. :) I am recommending the book and the movie! teehee

okay, today i am going to finish watching this. :) 

see, i am supposed to be studying instead, i'm watching movies. n there are so many new movies at the cinema! i can't go !! definitely. it's okay, i'll have it downloaded anytime soon. :)

 btw, i really need a new pair of spectacles but i have to wait for another few weeks because my dad is going to pay for the spectacles.. hehe.. what a daughter..
oh yeah, he can spend rm600 for my mom's spectacles so why can't he use rm600 to buy me new spectacles? okay, so demanding right? i just made him spent rm720 for my phone n now i want to spend his money some more. not to forget all the fuels he had to use for picking and sending me to Ipoh. hehehehe.. 
i promise myself not to buy the expensive one, i'll just use rm350.. alright dad? 

p/s: my dad is going to pick me up at Ipoh, isn't that exciting? where everyone else is going back home by bus, i'm enjoying myself with my dad's L.O.V.E. HEHE


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