last night

assalamualaikum wbt n peace upon all..

this is not the post for the song last night by p. diddy. this is what i want to tell you about what happen last night. 

during the day all of my house mates were busy, studying n snoring  sleeping, then suddenly there was one fella, complained that her study table got lizard ! ewwwwwww... yeah.. i had no idea how the lizard could come into our house because this was my first time seeing the lizard in this house. she asked us to help her to chase away that demon.. but none of us were brave enough. it's a disgusting creature ! yuckss..

then, after all had taken their dinner and sitting around and enjoying the food that the fella brought back from a feast, another fella (mira) started to disturb that creature by using rubber band and tried to catapult (lastik in BM) it. and guess what, that creature did not have a sense of fear at all. though it had been hit by the rubber band, it still stay put and do nothing. it did not move a muscle. then we started to freak out. what kind of lizard which didn't move a muscle after people started throwing things at it ?????!!!

after that, we called another wonder girl, hanim, and she sprayed that lizard. n, let me tell you, that creature JUMPED !!!! oh, now another weird things going on.. what kind of lizard would jump ?????? we tried and tried and tried and tried to spray that thing again, but guess what, it was still alive and kicking. plus, it got more excited on scaring us. it came towards us. maybe this thing got brain that it could interpret our expression, F.E.A.R... 


i tried to spray that creature again, and this thing got me totally freaked out! the way it crumpled, oughhh.. so disgusting... ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!! our house was full of screams last night. my throat was really hurt, i guess i screamed too loud. teehee.. then, this creature, tried to scare us again by moving towards us. the position it took now is on the carpet. oh lord~~~

i was totally angry and very disturbed. i had to study for my exam okay u dirty freaky lizard ! 

so, i took the broom and i tried to kill it. but all i could see was the tail got off from the body which was VERY DISGUSTING and i didn't have the guts to go near the broom n the lizard again. when i did it, all of my house mates were screaming.. TT.TT why yall have to scream? tsk tsk tskk

then, we all sit in my room, gathering around and thinking of ways to remove it. then, i asked if we could get help from somebody else. our front door neighbour was not in his house. so, we were helpless until this wonder girl who we called and lived a few blocks away came.. oh, this wonder girl is so heroic! she saved our night..

while waiting for the wonder girl to come, me and my mates were trying something which was really F.U.N.!

they gathered all my make up stuff and started to work on hanim's face. we were doing makeover that night. and it was awesome! i had become the makeup artist last night. now only i realized i could play on makeup. teehee. i haven't been using the makeup stuff much. my models were, hanim, k.nurul, shiron, and shidah. 

oh, last night was awesome and i didn't even realize that the time then was already 1 a.m. 


this was what happened last night, reported by
miss Nur Amalina Ahmad,
the gorgeous one, 
n the apprentice of future brilliant makeup artist or people here call, mak andam.






have a nice day everyone. :)


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