my dream car >.<"

good evening everyone..

you must have your dream car or cars right ? but today i want to talk mine.

this car used to be my dream car but then i just realized there's NO WAY i'm gonna own this car unless there is a prince who would propose me to marry him which is absolutely IMPOSSIBLE n we call it a dream that will never come true. so, i have to forget the dream of owning this car.

so here it is.

my used to be dream car... maybe now not so much..

 its name is BUGATTI VEYRON..

this car is so awesome and u wanna know why ? 

because it's the fastest car in the world ! 

look below.. 

this car can reach  431.07km/h (267.85mph)
awesome right ? 

yeah, this used to be my dream car.. 

but all i can say is 

goodbye bugatti, 

we have no fate. 

sob sob sob 


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