the imagery during rainy days

during rainy days, what do you like to do ? perhaps squeezing yourself with the comforter wrapping all over  your body and putting your head onto a big fluffy pillow and hug them tightly. comfy~

but for me, during rainy days, i always have this kind of imagery..

i was walking alone and suddenly the rain started to fall. the sparkling diamonds from the sky had now started to fall massively onto the earth. when they reached the earth surface, they scattered all over it, leaving the ground moist and wet with the two hydrogen and one oxygen (H2O). 

i was not having any umbrella with me and i was just holding a file with my bag hanging onto my shoulder. it was very cold. i hold my hand tightly. just in case they got frozen. my shirt had now started to wet. then i saw a shop. a very cute little shop. with a big shady tree beside it.. 

so i ran. quickly taking a very small step so i won't fall with my hip onto the ground because it was very slippery. as i stepped into the small shop, my hands started to feel a little bit warm. so did my little heart. there was barely anybody there except for the one who's moving his hand back and forth from the old coffee machine there. he looked up at me and smiled. 

i squeezed myself to a chair and a table beside the window. it was raining heavily. i was letting my cold breath air out so i could warm myself. i turned around, trying to look for a menu bar but i couldn't find any. and now he's walking towards me with a chocolate colour laminated  paper with beautiful butterflies decorating the paper. he handed me the paper and i was looking at it trying to figure out which one to choose. 

my mouth started to make the sounds of the written words..

black eye...
black tie...
cafe bombon...
coffee milk...
caramel machiato...
chocolate dalmation...
white chocolate mocha....
hot chocolate....

i looked up at him and quickly ordered a hot chocolate. i returned him the menu and put my sight onto the road through the glass window. there were small birds sitting on a branch of a tree, squeezing themselves together and trying to make use of each other's body's warmth so that they won't feel so cold. so sweet. then there's a man walking with an umbrella with a coffee in his hand. he's walking to his car. the road was quiet. there was only a single car that had passed by. the trees were all looking down at earth. there's only few of them who were looking up to the sky and letting the diamonds from the sky hit their faces.

my drink had been served. i was looking at it. i looked up at him and thanked him. the hot chocolate looked marvelous.

i was holding the hot chocolate in my hands while looking at the window. i blew my hot chocolate because it was hot and i took a few sips of it. as the hot chocolate went into my mouth, my heart melted. it was so delicious. it was warm. it tasted a bit bitter but at the same time it's sweet. i finished my hot chocolate and ate the marshmallow. 

the rain had stopped falling. the birds had flown away. there were already few people on the streets. my heart refused to go out from the cafe.. i wanted to sit there all day long and enjoy the view. but i knew, i had to go. 

i paid for the hot chocolate and told the man, it was a nice cafe. just one more step now. then i looked back. trying to have the picture so that it won't slipped away from my memory. i smiled. i headed back to the streets i took just now and started walking. deep inside, i knew i won't forget this moment. i hoped there'll be time like this too.. 



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