lapar sangat-sangat.

assalamualaikum wbt n peace upon all.. 

i know, i know. i have not been updating my blog lately.and for that, i am so sorry.i was quite busy with my assignments, okay maybe not was but am.yes, i am still busy with the assignments given.we were given a lot, i really mean it, of assignments.up till the my nose level.i can hardly breathe with these things to be handled.and fyi, there are like 5 or 6 assignments to be handed in next month.voila~ awesome right?well,this is life !

i've only slept for like, 2 hours something?well, here's a thing,i have to be at my college before 5 because there're visitors that will be coming to our college.and as the AJK under exco hubungan luar dan pengantarabangsaan, i have to be involved with this event.and for that,i woke up really 3 something.and even last night i slept at 1am because i was doing my assignment.before that i involved in marching.i did it because of my deary darling.she's having a really hard time looking for, i joined the march.i like to march anyway.well,ever since PLKN.been marching for like everyday twice thrice for like 3 months.oh yeah,i admit it,i still am good in it. (perasan giler !) :') 

right this second,my stomach's growling.the only thing i ate yesterday was nasi lemak which was at 10am!!!and after that,i had not eaten anything at all but the ice blended and vico drinks just to keep me going.don't ask me how i can survive with only these because i also don't have the slightest idea.

today,after class,me and friends still have to go to Changkat Jering,a place where we have picked a school to do our tiring! i must say, this weekend will make my life a living hell. oh yeah~ 

i just want and need some rest but right now i am freaking hungry.. >.<



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