travelling is fun !

assalamualaikum wbt n peace upon all.

it is now holiday. what are your planning ? going somewhere ? or you just gonna hang out with friends at mall and being the unstoppable shopaholic ? well, maybe that's me. oopsie..

yesterday shiron, rushy and i actually went to puncak alam to meet with shiron's lil sister. it took about 2 hours to get there and it was tiring too. when i actually fell asleep along the way, shiron poke me on my thigh! >.< she won't let me fall asleep. T.T

after we got there, we went out to sunway pyramid. rushy said she wanted to skate, but looking at the price she stepped back. *money is always the source of problems ! :P*

we took a lot of pictures here and there, and of course, must buy items would be on our list ! i bought few things.. while walking surrounding the mall, i actually saw my school senior. i intended to actually to greet him and say few things but thinking i might be dealing with the wrong person, i changed my mind and just let him went away. oh yeah. it's him not her. that's why i didn't just grab his hands and say few things. 

in Watsons, thinking that it might be him, i quickly sent him a message. luckily i still have his number and he doesn't change his number. and it was him. *pastu dalam hati menyesal pulak tak tegur sebab pernah baik dengan dia.* 

i was shocked to know that he was just discharged from hospital. he's hepatitis A. truly shocked! well, supposedly he should be in his practicum but he said he managed to go to the school only on the first day. i wished him well and we stopped messaging. 

while at the mall, rushy kept asking me, "mung ni mesej sapo la? skandal ea?". well, it's true that i was messaging all the time at the mall, but my scandal ? haha, do i even have one? she claimed yes when we were at JJ. it's because i met few male seniors there and i smiled at them and they smiled back. that's all. 

of course i had gone haywire in the house when i told my housemate i kinda like cr a bit. but that's just it. he's not even looking at me, and i also have no intention to go further in 'this kind' of relationship. i just feel like i want to get to know him more. that's all. 

okay, that's just so out of topic.

after we went to sunway pyramid, we were like going in circle trying to find a way to get to the terminal. i was so sleepy, i slept along the way after had my meal in the car! LOL. 

after we finally found the terminal, shiron's lil sister's friend got into the car and the car became so packed. it's all because all the three guitars were there. after that we were finding our way to the mosque. 

i must say, the mosque was very beautiful and gigantic. but, i felt inconvenience to actually walk from prayer site to the wuduk side. it's so far away. and along the way, the men and the women were actually walking around on the same path. ish, tak ke susah? dah la jauh. pastu sepanjang perjalanan tu boleh bertembung dengan lelaki dan perempuan. kalau terbatal wuduk macam mana? for me it just doesn't make any sense at all. there's also a section upstairs for women to pray, but you got to go down and walk for a while just to ambil wuduk. *dalam hati terpikir, apa rasionalnya dia buat tempat tu macam tu? tak rasa menyusahkan pengguna ka?* 

so, after prayer we went to a restaurant because shiron said she's starving. she even ordered two meals! well, that's a norm for her. i already get used to it. it's not a surprise anymore. guess what, while we were at the restaurant, the rain poured very very very heavily. rushy was already feeling uncomfortable with the situation. to make things worse, the place even flooded with water ! gosh.. so inconvenience. i didn't really give a damn about it so i just ate my meal. when we were finished, the rain was not that heavy anymore. we managed to get into the car without getting completely soaked with the rain! alhamdulillah..

during that time it was already 10pm and we went to the uitm back again. the guard there stopped us and we got away because shiron's lil sis said she's a student and her sister just want to send her. i just smiled cutely politely at the guard. 

when we reached at the campus, i finally realized that i spilled the coffee that i bought on my trousers! gosh, that's why i just felt that area was quite hot. i thought it was just the coffee case. and i looked like someone who peed in her trousers. so embarrassing. luckily i got my other trousers. 

we started our journey at around 11.30pm. shiron was driving of course. who else? haha. along the way rushy was already quiet and i think she's about to fall asleep and finally slept along the way. listening to the radio, me and shiron sang loudly in the car. i just wanted to make sure that she won't fall asleep while driving. hell, it's dangerous! 

but just a few kilometers from simpang pulai, she said she's already in a sleepy phase. so surprised to hear that, i suggested to exchange driver. means, i'm gonna have to drive. just after we found a place to stop the car, we exchanged seat. now it's my turn to drive. it was my first time ever to drive on a highway. *maklumlah, lesen baru lagi. tak sampai setahun pun* 

and we safely arrived at Ipoh around 1.30am. and i still couldn't stop myself from messaging. i just love to keep on touching the screen of my phone and text with people all the time. but at that hour, there's only one person to text. *adik angkat.. shidah cakap, "adik angkat ke adik yang dah terangkat?". it's never gonna be like that.*

oh yeah, i m just gonna say that i like to actually drive and move around (travelling). i wonder when is my dad going to buy me a car? already mentioned it to him the other day, but he was busy. when he never is ? 

thank you for reading this. pictures will be uploaded later. 



  1. agak la. duit pun laju ja abih, kan ? haha

  2. haha..trsangatlah stuju..spertimana lajunya air terjun lata kinjang menjunam ke bawah, duit pun sperti itulah..

  3. betul2.. tepat sekali perumpamaan itu. beli apa j kt JJ aritu ? haha.. habis bnyk kot duit kat c2.. huhu

  4. sy baru gi jj lps zohor tdi..konon temankan roommate nk bli buku dkt MPH atau Popular..malangnya buku yg nk x da stok..
    ~x bleh lepak lama2 dkt jj, nnti duit cpat mngalir~

  5. haha.. sangat2 betoi... kat mph ritu pon dah abeh dekat sratus. adehh~~~

  6. itu yg bagus..elaun hbis disebabkan buku..berkat..diguna utk kbaikan..

    1. hajatnya camtu lah~~ haha.. tengoklah sejauh mana. tapi lau tak dak duit pon, pinjam buku dak2 rumah ni. cam shiron. dia bnyk ngat buku. seronok ja meminjam.. x yah beli. haha

    2. ya..sgt sronok meminjam harta benda org len..lbih sronok klau tumpang potostat buku tu..jimat duit la kononnya..haha


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