marriage is so not gonna get in my way any time soon | i think.

assalamualaikum wbt n peace upon all.. 

today's hot topic, marriage. when we hear the word marriage what actually comes to our mind ? some might be thinking of the romance and love after the marriage. and some might even be thinking about money. =.='' hey, it's not that easy to actually have such amount of money to have a wedding... and some might also think about responsibilities. and i mean it people, RESPONSIBILITIES! *but i don't want to talk about responsibilities pon.* 

being at my age, all of my friends have been talking about this. truthfully, sometimes it annoys me. only sometimes. because some other times, i might be joining them talking about marriage too. bla bla bla.. 

i'm not planning to get married any time soon. but who knows? kalau dah jodoh, tak lari kemana jugak kan ? ='>

right now what's more important to me is actually getting my degree. love? i really have no comment or anything to say about that. i am not an expert either, but i am also not a person who has never fall in love with someone before, right now, or soon or whatever. 

my life, i mean, right now, i am so miserably, terrifyingly, restlessly busy. since i'm the class head assistant, practically i also have a lot of things to think about such as submitting the attendance analysis to the HEP, smsing every single person who doesn't have facebook about the next day's schedule and of course, keeping on track with every missing classes. dugaan, cabaran, kesusahan. you name it. felt it to the bottom of my heart, my head, my body, my mind.

most important thing for me right now is i am actually changing myself, or transforming myself into a better human being i must say. well, i'm not perfect, sometimes i  lose control of myself and feel like banging my head to the door *okay, that one is stupid* or hibernating or eating junk food for days or scolding people for no reason or bugging my friends who are doing their homework just for fun. you know, doing crazy things sometimes give you, or us a lot of fun ! oh, just admit it..

previously in my life, i've encountered many kinds of people with different behaviours and so sick of them by the way. BUT right now, i'm trying to change my views about them, about their lives, their thinking and many other things that i have to put into consideration. and the most important thing i need to help me in overcoming these obstacles is to be patient. sabar banyak-banyak. sentiasa ingat Allah. ni lah selalu ada dalam kepala otak bila rasa messy tak ketahuan hala. 

as previously well mentioned, i have a very busy life here friends. so marriage is so not gonna get in my way any time soon. maybe love is. who knows. with whom? let it be a secret. it could be you *if you're a guy* haha. just kidding. i don't even know who actually reads my piece of writing. 

 basically that's just my opinion. i don't know about the others..

thank you for taking some time to sit and open you notebook or laptops or computer or anything to read this nonsense entry written by me.



  1. marriage? haha...sometimes, we should also think about this..but, sometimes interfere with our thinking..

  2. that is so true~~ couldn't agree more. LOL

  3. byk benda lagi yg lbih pnting utk jgn difikirkan sangat hal ni..Allah dh janji dlm Al-Qur'an..yg baik akan brtemu dgn yg baik..maka, kita sdaya upaya cuba mnjadi yg trbaik..

  4. it keep bugging me u know... u think u should get married? please say yes... ahahahahah! =P

  5. sesuci embun pagi: hmm, betul. and memang jarang fikir pun sebenarnya. :') sama-samalah kita berusaha menjadi yang terbaik.

    luvly iema: so your question is, should i get married, is it? if so, erm, calon pon tak dak weh. lagu mana nak kawen. haha.. XD

  6. ahahahahaha...mcm mna bleh typo nih!!! it should be " u think i should get married?" knpa aku nk tny ang lg..sah2 dlm entry ang dh gtaw.. =P

  7. haha. tau x pa. aku pon konfius gegila td. ha, aku rasa ng bkn patut lagi dah, ng dah wajib. hahak


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