entry penuh dengan gambar

assalamualaikum wbt n peace upon all..

i am actually looking at my old pics, and i am wondering, why did i capture myself in that position with that kind of face? err........... embarrassing. teehee.. wanna sneak on it ?

lets roll..

mak saya cakap mata macam vampire! 
posing sesantai yg mungkin..

apa motif ?

sungguh tak dak keja. 
actually i wanna upload more pics, but since these pics have such big sizes, so i canceled my plan. let's just proceed with this kay...



  1. okey aku nak curik semua gambaq nih! ahahahaha!!!
    big round eyes.. xpyh pkai contacts dh =P

  2. watpa la ng amek gmbaq2 aku nih. hahaha... xmau. kena pakai lens gak. bagi extra comey..


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