YESTERDAY punya story

assalamualaikum w.b.t.

Well, it’s weekend rite? So, as usual, got up late la. HAHa.. As soon as I opened my eyes, I checked my phone. Hmm.. Got one message. From a friend, called A***. He sent me a message so early. Didn’t even wake up yet. HUHU. Never mind, then I log in to my FB of course. Weekend~~~ this is what I’ve been doing during weekend. Fb-ing for 24 hours. Lalalala..

Hey, it’s mother’s day rite. Better call my mom ! Hmmmm… looked through my phone, MY KING. So, I push the call button. Tuuuttt… tuutt.. Then I heard somebody’s on the line. “Assalamualaikum”.. “Waalaikumussalam”. I answered.

My mom: Hah, ada apa?

Me: Happy Mother’s Day!

My mom: Oh, tima kasih. Dok buat apa? Baju basuh tak gi?

Me : Dok online ja. X basuh lagi. Sat lagi nak keluaq.

My mom: Dengan sapa?

Me: Shiron.

My mom: Shiron mana?

Me: Ala, cakap bukan mak kenai pon. Budak Kelantan. Kami satu kelas. *tak ta0 sepa, aku gagap sket pg tu*

My Mom: Ha, awat gagap nih? Mesti ada apa2..

Me: Mak, shiron tu pompuan la. Kawan satu kelas.

My mom: hahahaha.. *indicates she’s laughing, but this is not the way she laughed*

Me: Mak, masak apa hari ni?

My mom: OH, sambal sotong dengan sup daging.

Me: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, nak balik !!!!! Lama tak makan sambal sotong ! huhu.. *crying*

My mom : Hahahahaha..

Me: Nanti kak balik, mak kena masak sedap2. Lama tak makan laksa !

My mom: Ha, tunggu la hang balik dulu. Laksa bila-bila ja leh makan. Kat sini banyak juai.

Me: Takpa2, tunggu kak balik !

My mom: ha, ni, mak nak p sambung masak. Nt sembang lain. Assalamualaikum

Me: Waalaikumussalam.

Then I hung up the phone. Missed my mom so much, her cooking and all that. Well, I promised a friend to meet me at 12.30. It’s already 11.20, better get ready. Hmmm.. Thinking of what to wear.. checked my locker, wargh, no baju laa! Isk, I was regretting for not bringing in my blouses and all that. I did not bring my blouses cuz, one, want to keep spaces in my bag, second, my blouses are all meghi2 punya. Haha.. I was scared of our Chief Warden of course. Scared if I get caught wearing such clothes going out. Now, I don’t really give a damn ‘bout it. HAHA. Well, wat to wear nih? The person that appears in my mind during that time was, KAK ZUE! The girl next door, who is my classmate also !

Screamed: kak zue !!!

Opened her room door, : nak pinjam baju, nak keluar jap gi.

Kak zue: ha, amek la.

Clothing, settle. Hmmmm.. Next, shower!!!

After taking my shower, got ready and all that, I sent SMS to Shiron asking whether she’s done or not. Well, apparently, she’s my driver for now. I can’t find anyone else to go with, so I asked shiron to come along. Well, we went to GM by a motorbike, borrowed from someone. We had so much fun at GM. We went to sing, karaoke ! oh yeah. Though it was my first time, but I still enjoyed it. I want to go there again. Jom2. Who wants to go? SMS me at 019-519****

After that, we went to JJ, Jaya Jusco, to buy some food, member kirim. But, we went for bowling also! Besss OOo… Well, it was my first time, so I lost. With shiron, I had so much fun. Whatever we do, there’ll always be laughter. Totally an awesome day! Love it so much!

At night, there’s nothing much to do. I went out to grab some food and took my jubah for Lady Macbeth. OMG, tomorrow’s the full rehearsal. With full costumes. DEAD ! I haven’t memorize my lines. But, still, I was not in the mood to memorize the lines. So, I just lay down and push my phone’s button. SMS laa. Lambat toi. My night spent just like that. No work, no memorizing.



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