nak balek !

assalamualaikum wbt

Di sini saya ingin menyatakan bahawa, saya nak sangat BALEK RUMAH ! Saya amatlah merindui masakan mak saya. Fuhhh ! Isk..Isk...Isk.. Cedappnyerrr weh ! Ekotkan hati, nak ja saya balik ujung minggu nih. Lantak la duit ada ka tak. Saya leh kol ayah saya suroh datang ambik saya balik rumah. Maktab ni sunggoh jahat sekali kerana memisahkan saya dengan keluarga saya. I wanna go home~~ Somebody, please send me home. I miss my mom's cooking so much. Here, the food I ate, just the same. EVERY SINGLE DAY ! Unlike home, I can eat variety of food~ Well, the reason I want to go home it's not only because of my mom's cooking of course ! Basically, I miss my family so much. With the works I had to do here, I had no time to call my parents. MACBETH things make my life HECTIC here. Hello, the performances will be brought forward. Meaning we had less than a week to practice. Luckily, I just finished memorizing my lines. But my friend, who's playing Macbeth's role is not finished with her memorizing yet. That is because her lines are long~~ Main character k0t.

Whatever it is, please pray for us. Making Macbeth a successful is tough man ! I would like to say congratulations to our seniors for making M.O.V. a successful play. Hope we are going to do the same. Hope so. Pray for us. Wish us a good luck ! Next Monday will be a full rehearsal with the full costumes at DSM. It's kinda weird to perform there, but whatever~ As long as I can finish this thing, I'll be relieved. Without exams this semester, forcing us to do a lot of thing ! Luckily, the ELS thing just finished. So that I dont have to do the reports anymore~~ Waaa.. I'm glad.

But I still think that there are some stuff that I need to discuss with Ms. Parames! OMG. Almost forgot ! I had to plan something ! Aiyark, Haziq... Help me ! Jgn biar aku wat keje ni sowang2 weh. Huhu. We are planning something for our seniors but I just drafted the plan. IDK whether it's going to work or not. BUT, hope it will. So that I dont get much headache thinking of planing this matter. WHAT MATTER? haha.. S.E.C.R.E.T. Shhh...

Here's the thing I've been doing in class. LDES. Stand for, Language Description. This time around, without Mr. Lim teaching us, I felt so lazy~~ True! Actually, after this, there'll be a lot more cakar ayam. Conteng sana sini. Penuh la katakan buku nih. Ala2 budak pandai pon ada gk. ahaks.

I think that's all for today's entry. After all, half of my entry got nothing to do with the Title. HAHA.

Bye aLL. Dont forget to watch our performances soon ! :)


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