i don't care !

Today, we didn't have English Studies class, which was GREAT ! When I was on my bed, sleeping, I got a call from Eqa, asking me to go class, accompany her coz she's alone in class. So I got up and got ready. While I was getting ready, I got a message from a classmate. He's so annoying ! At first, he just asked next class at what time, OK fine, I just replied, 11. Next message he asked, who's class. Then I went, WTF?? It's already end of semester and doesn't he have the time table? Sh**. I don't care and I don't have to care bout this guy !

Then I went to class, to find Eqa was on the lecturer's table with her phone in her hand. I just sat down and after she told me her little secrets, we went to cafe to grab some food. But I don't feel like eating so much, so I just ate doughnuts. We had our LDs class which I heard a few facts about the Internet and made me scared. Well, to everyone when you're using the Internet, just be careful.

Our LDv class was held at the library which I skipped due to a reason. Shhhh. Can't tell ya~~ So I just went back to my room and got some rests. I also skipped LGs class which was quite a loss there because we were given our assignments. Well, I don't care. But at least, I am aware now what to do and already start to make some progressions! Bout other tasks given by the lecturers, I don't really care anymore, coz I am sick now. Haha. A sick person can still write her post for her blog. Erk, who cares? Me don't!

He's having exam till this Wed, so I'm kinda lonely......


I want to sleep already.. Nite Everyone~~


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