i felt miserable. miserable. miserable. miserable. miserable. hmmm.. it's now raining. the nature's mood now is the same as my mood. sad, feel like wanna cry but no shoulder to cry on. i just kept it in. i just kept everything inside. i wanna leave this place. i've never had such feelings before, but now, here.. huh.. *sigh*

since i was being left-out, i don't really care bout people anymore. i prefer to do my own things without thinking of the others, but i am not saying that i am selfish, no! absolutely no. i am not selfish, it's just that, since people around always make me feel i am alone, i just made a decision to not care about anyone else anymore. people can say anything about me, but i will just ignore it. why do you care so much into this matter? do you even sit, and look into my eyes and ask about my problems, maybe you can help solving my problems. NO. you never once did! so, why bother bout what i'm doing now? i'll just do what i want to do okay. don't bother bout me.

better off without you.... sometimes seeing such faces, who kept telling me what to do, they're the only one who's doing the right thing, i was always wrong, make me want to puke you know! sick of watching these faces.


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