Today is a brilliant day. And tomorrow is going to be gorgeous. You want to know why? Because it’s now WEEKEND ! Hey, everyone loves weekend, don’t you?
Today, I woke up as usual, got myself ready for the assembly *budak rajen mmg cmni*, and stood up there under a very hot sunlight. I considered myself lucky because the girl who stood beside me was a tall girl, from J8. Credit to all J8’s girls. They’re all tall. It’s good to stand beside them. HAHA ! Okay, not funny. That’s because I am short. HAHA ! REAL FUNNY. Whatever~~ OK, back to the assembly thing. I stood there waiting for the lecturers to finish their speeches and what-so-ever, I saw my friend was sitting and the others surrounding her were fanning her. When I looked down, I saw her lip was very pale. OMG, what happened? Oh, she’s just got L.B.P. *Low blood pressure*. She almost fainted. But luckily she didn’t.
Well, after the assembly PASU was excitedly told us to wait. What is wrong with this man huh? Actually, he wanted to count the absentees. Whatever la mister. Then my classmates and I went to library, as usual, for tutorial. Luckily, Miss was not coming in. So, we went to cafĂ© to fill our empty stomach. Poor Kak Zue, she took the wrong fried rice. The fried rice taken by her was very spicy. *She doesn’t like spicy food*. Then, we went to class for LDV with Mdm. Hasni. Well, she was about 40 minutes late. We were sitting and chatting with each other and suddenly our PKU, Theeb, received a phone call from Mdm. Everyone was silence. On a countdown, when we were all ready to hear good news from Theeb, suddenly she said, “She’s coming in and she wants the essay”. Everyone was like, urgghhhh !
When I was just started to write the essay, she came in at the very exact time, and said, we were all bluffing her, pretending to do the essays but our paper was empty. HAHA. OKAY, I admit that, our class is good at bluffing. I enjoyed during her hour, because, Mdm. is a person who is full of stories. She loves to tell us stories about her life. During the time, we were really enjoyed. Well, she was telling us about her 10 years old daughter. I can say that she’s very witty. Mdm. Hasni’s life is full of laughter I guess. Our class ended when she told us the final story about she was going out with her ex-boyfriend, and she how her husband was so kind-hearted to let her spend the time with her ex. Not to forget, how her ex sent her back to her mother in laws’ house and how much her mother in laws loves her. Oh, she’s a GREAT lecturer. I love her. But, I love Miss Leong Thor Lee more.

After class, I went down to the lecturer’s hall to meet Mdm. Kana. She asked me about some reports. Never mind, there’s no need to mention it here. Then I went to cafĂ©, to buy some food for lunch. Then I went back to my room and of course, lie down and get some rest, BUT, I wasn’t sleeping K. I was just lying down. Then performed my prayer only then I slept. HEHE. Then, I woke up; my stomach was growling, opened up my laptop and ate my lunch while watching movies. That’s the only thing I did. Now, seeing my roommate’s sleeping, I feel like joining her.
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