end of semester vs assignment

Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

So what’s going on here? End of semester vs. assignment? Yeah, that’s what we’ve been doing by the end of semester. It’s kind of weird, to do the assignment when you finally reach the end of semester. All the others were trying their best in studying to achieve a flying colour result, while us, huh sigh* trying our best, using our weekend to complete the assignment. Basically, this assignment is divided into two tasks, task A and task B. For task A, we have to find a fairy tale and find 10 sentences and analyze it. Basically it’s about that. For the second task, we are asked to watch a movie and write a review about the movie. We have to find phrases in our review. I like the part when we have to watch movie, I love it the most, the review part is still okay, but the finding the phrases part, aisey, I am so lazy to do that. I know, it isn’t as hard as you think but still… argh, orang malas memang penuh dengan alasan pon kan? Hahah.

Unfortunately, I don’t have the mood to do the assignment cuz, as I mentioned previously, I am the last minute creature. Everything last minute. Who cares? I don’t. It’s my style though I know it’s wrong. Spending midnight oil. *erk, betul ke tak ea? Okay, I know, it’s almost 2am right now, I still haven’t finished my assignment. Not even the first task. Okay2, I’m the worst. I am supposed to do my assignment, yeah I know that. Eyka is here with me tonight, sleeping in my room, accompanying me instead of my roommate which had gone to Penang. She had influenced me to watch Korea’s videos just now. Huhu. So my assignment was postponed and now, I am writing the post for this entry. But guess what she’s doing now? She’s watching Korea’s videos at U-tube. And of course, she can’t leave her phone. Not that she has a boyfriend, but BFF. My favourite apple is with her now. She’s hugging my apple, oh no! The apple’s gonna get her smell! Nooo!!

Okay, out of topic. Of course, I am still working on my assignment. I am planning to not fall asleep tonight, but I don’t know. haha. I don’t know how long I can bear with searching for the tales. Well, thanks to Anip for giving me some clues to find them. I better start searching now. Well, I am a person who’ll do the assignment when she gets the mood. Before this, I don’t really have the mood to do the assignment because of some problems I faced. After an hour at the shower, I finally got the mood and my spirit rose a little bit. That is because I suddenly remember that I still have English Studies file to complete. So, with some songs in order to be spiritual, I am finally started doing my assignment. But on my way to finish the assignment, there are obstacles as usual, I was stuck in reading blogs, then I stuck on watching Korea’s videos. And of course, I was on the phone for almost an hour. So, without further a due, I am going to continue finishing my assignment. Now, would you excuse me? I’ll be back, SOON!


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