
assalamualaikum wbt.

this is a heart to heart confession, if the words below are unbearable for yall to read, just close the tab.

there is something in life that even though you worked really hard for it but you just can't achieve it. but that does not mean you have to stop chasing and stop working hard for it. the decision whether you get it or you don't get it is not yours, but it's ALLAH's for muslim, and GOD's for non-muslim. get what i mean or not?

i really appreciate it when people around me kept telling, "you don't have to study, you already got the brain". for me, i don't really like this kind of comment, seriously. it hurts me. you may think it's a compliment, but i would rather think it as a sarcastic. because a person does not born from his/her mother's womb as a genius. he or she still need to gain knowledge by studying. n practically, studying does not mean you sit down and face the book 24 hours! think about it.

i am not making fuss with you guys or what, but that's the truth. stop making me feel proud when i know it is not true. stop making me believe to believe what you believe about me is true when i know myself better than you.

be happy with what you got and learn to give your best. it's valueless when you got something without effort. it's meaningful when you worked real hard for it and eventually you earned it.

all in all, i am really upset with this. i really hate those kind of comments.. it might not have been this hurt if the person who gave me this comment is a stranger. i'll conclude as, he's a stranger, he doesn't know me much. but when this comment came from a person called close friend, i can't accept that. and, avoiding me and ignoring me, and refuse to talk to me, you can do that, but it'll hurt me. that's all.

well at least, i wanted to know, how much i am needed when he or she got problems, but when you didn't seek me, i'll just say, "well, she doesn't need me."


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