wet vs birthday?

assalamualaikum wbt..

guess what, exam's over ! i don't know why, but recently, i've been talking about exam most of the time.


because for the last semesters, we didn't have any exam. that's why. even if we have, it's only mock exam. i didn't even work hard for it, honestly speaking~

btw, since exam's over, and we got our allowance, my friends and i went and enjoyed ourselves at JJ.

so, right after exam, after change our clothes, we went to JJ straight away. we watched a movie, which i've forgotten its title. *too bad~

my friends asked me to buy something for them, but after got out from the cinema, all stores had closed ! i was quite panicked because the things that my friend asked to buy is for the program and needed to be settled as soon as possible. luckily, JJ department had not close theirs yet.

we went back to maktab with some misunderstood. not created but a total misunderstood. i cried after i got back to my room with the feeling guilty and confused !

n, my dearest friend knocked the door and came in. she wanted to borrow my pail. it's for the birthday prank. but unfortunately, i was wet too! being watered by friend !

this is like a tradition to our class, to get wet during birthday. haha.


  1. hahahaha...instead, my friends here have a cake and off us have to 'suap' the birthday gurl in many ways we like. its a prank rite surely she got comot with that icing all over her..hak3...

    terabur ayat bi aku..teacher...tlg check st.. ^^


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