exhausted in excitement? what the heck ?

i am so tired with this thing called examination. i admit it, i like exam. but though, it still an exhausting thing to do. :(

during our previous semester, we didn't have exam. and in our final semester only got exam. and now it's the time. you may think that, we had a bunch of time to study before the final exam. LOL. i don't think so. that's because i am not a person who will study in the early hour. i'm the last minute creature~~ kuang3..

that's the reason why my result has never been a tip top one ! LOL
serves u right ! T.T

but i know, during my exam, i'll do my best. as my friend said, i have a very strong and powerful which Allah has given me. i am very thankful.

today, which is dated 9th of November, which is also a birthday of my friend, and also, the English Studies' exam.

i've been filling my brain with TKAM and Macbeth stuff, and i think my head is full. Ok, that is so unreal. i was reading Macbeth text just now, and i thought i wanted to take a rest for a while. i've been staying late at night lately. burning the midnight oil. in this era, i would rather say, wasting the electrical charge... *sigh

my exam is at 2.30 pm. so, wish me luck !

my eyes are so heavy right now, and i resist my highest, my most desire temptation, that is sleeping. i am a person who loves to sleep, A LOT which only make my cheek grows bigger, and rounder. keh3..

after the examination, i still cannot go to sleep early for today, because i have SS tomorrow. which i'm gonna use a lot of bluffing technique. huhu. and i still haven't read any thing on the subject and i think i'll be going to a battlefield with no shield or armor on my body and i'm gonna die there~ dying, smiling. dat's me.

btw, there's a tip i wanted to share, when you don't know how to answer a question, you smile ! that's what i did every time i saw the question which i am unable to answer. by the end of time, when the clock is ticking, and you're running out time, the idea on how to answer it will rain heavily on you. OK, this might only works for me. LOL. because i love to write. another tip is, next time. fall in love in writing before you fall in love with something. new quote, by myself. haha

p/s: i never cried whenever i finished my examination, though most of the question i couldn't answer. because, deep inside, i know, i had given my best for it. gagagagagagaga.....

let's just do our best, shall we? aja aja hwaiting !


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