suddenly i become so energetic to up date the entry~~

oke, i lied. i am bored ! i am waiting for my burger.. am so pathetic today.

i know, i am not supposed to be like this, but when i am not well, everything will be affected. poor thing..

the es paper.... i want to comment so much about this. the paper is 3 hours, my roommate already thought it was long enough. but when i answered, it's not enough. my hand is running on the paper. it sweat a lot too. there's what happened when there are so many ideas in your head, and you have only 180 minutes to answer the questions.

the weird thing that happened today is, i managed to finish Macbeth text within 3 hours. that was awesome ! the night before, i spent my night with TKAM. and i felt like my head was fulled with so many things, and during the exam, i spilled everything !

and now, my head is empty. i skipped lunch and guess what's the consequences i've to get now? headache ! that's just great you know.

n this little fella, making me more miserable with his not-knowing answer. n my head is heavier and heavier and in my mind, how am i supposed to study Social Studies tonight? well, i've to.

the pathetic things that happened today are;

1) there's nobody to accompany me to go buy some food outside campus
2) i've to eat rice porridge. rice porridge with soya sauce.

dear my body, i am sorry that you have to go through this pain, i will promise you it will be over soon. i can ensure you, it's withing 24 hours. because the next paper is also at the evening which means, no evening nap ! please bear the tasteless empty rice porridge. your burger will drive through you large intestine soon. oh, my head... i am sorry for not giving you medicine that is because i don't like medicine. little things like this, i will let you handle it yourself.

i am confused, really need to close my eyes and take a rest for while... goodnite !


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