mr henpon

assalamualaikum wbt n peace upon all...

huhu... my henpon !!!!!!!! something's wrong with it... i hate to buy a new one. first i have no money! and the phone is not even one year old! so sad! what's wrong with my phone! i am not planning to buy a new one though i am interested a lot in LG Lollipop! i paid so much for this phone!

RM700 lebey oke fon nih.. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,,
aku bukan kaya pon nak beli henfon baru!! iskk, patot pakai nokia hat besa2 ja!
iskk.. tp, da beli kan. da hampir stahun bersama, sayang tu da ada. x kan ku khianati persahabatan ku bersama encik henpon nih. iskkkkkkkkk

camna nih. ok2, seb bek warranty ada g. so, nak p GM asap. nak p repair henpon nih. awat laaaa jadik lagu nih?
ni la henpon aku.. iskkkkkkk....

mood: sakit kepala sebab nak pkiaq sal henpon, rumah sewa, bakal notebook, fail mqa, homework yg menimbun! *tapi memang tengah sakit kepala pon*


  1. kalau henset sony memang senang rosak gini ko eh?

  2. x twu la. huhu.... ni first time pakai sony kot.

  3. apa yg wosak? xleh on ka? btw, ang dok umah sewa??

  4. x. bila kol dya jdik x clear. bakal duduk umh sewa. huhu.


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