warden bodoh !

tonight, i am so pissed off. why ?

because this stupid institute tells us to shut up and don't argue when convicted. it's kinda stupid, isn't it? because, all in the class, we were told to stand for our rights, voice out our opinion. but when situation like this comes, suddenly we have no voice. we are all mute.

what happened was, we had discussion. supposedly, we were going to discuss at this place called pondok air. but, there were so many people there. and the place is not ours to chase away the people. they have their rights to discuss there too. so, we took a place, in front of pejabat penyelia asrama, it's girls authority place there, men are not allowed. but then, we had no choice.

another reason was, before the boys came up, i saw a boy, coming in and buy plain water there. i mean, if the rule said, men are not allowed, means, no boy can come in right? but then, the venue we took, was exactly under the light. n, men are not allowed sign is placed on the building. so, that's mean, men are not allowed to go into the building. there are no sign, outside the gate about the rule. dammit. that's why i am so pissed off.

you see, what can happen when there were so many people discussing under the BRIGHT light? and then, this stupid warden, told the girls, "don't try to be a hero!" coz we were telling him that it's not the boy's fault. it was us who told them to go and discuss there. this bloody idiot warden even called us stupid. even you can't call the pupil stupid, how can he?

plus, he even slapped the boys. it was unfair for them right? ok, even if we were at fault, wouldn't it be fair if the girls also received the punishment? besides, we witnessed an injustice situation, we were involved in the situation but we were told to shut up and not to argue. can you call that justice?

i hate the warden so much. i really feel like telling my dad and ask him to go to ministry of education and reported about this.


  1. warden tu tgh menopause kot? kui3... ehem.. cian kt bdk laki tu.. huu.. cikgu sabri pon xgarang cm tu kot..


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