
assalamualaikum wbt..

hey, it's me again.. today i went to the clinic and got permission leave from doctor for a day. it's my eye. my right eye to be specific. it's my right eye. when i woke up this morning, it'd swollen. i had to hide it with my spectacles. it kind of itchy too. so early in the morning, shiron sms'ed me. she asked me to accompany her to go to the clinic. then while filling the forms, i suddenly said i wanted to see the doctor too. since my eye is like this. n, the doctor allowed me to not join the class for the rest of the day. i am glad though. because recently i couldn't sleep much. i even messaged my lecturer to seek advice on how to relieve stress. i'm under stress. with so many works to do, to settle the tesl nite some more. oh, headache!

gtg.. so l8r.


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