crazy ! LOL

assalamualaikum wbt and peace upon all.

today i had done probably the most craziest thing in my life. not only that, it was also a dangerous action which shall not be tried the next time around!! *warning warning*

for today's activity, we had this forum at Pusat Islam Al-Hidayah. so after maghrib, me and friends walked to the venue. nobody expected that the night would be raining heavily. nobody !

so, after this forum, which Fatul (one of the panelist) gave me a very hot situation which he's looking down upon the girls, which i think not the right thing to do, we had some feast, (makan makan), it's BBQ anyway. awesome food, but sad thing is, i don't feel like eating. there was also cocktail, the best part and some drinks. so, after the feast, Fatul, asked all the girls to go to the front to take some pictures. to be documented, not because he wanted to take our picture, which i will certainly reject.

the biggest and most dangerous and the craziest part was, it started to rain heavily. with the lightning and thunder plus the strong wind. we at PIAH were already freaking out and thinking about how to go back to our room with the weather. me and my friends, we were REALLY sleepy and wanted to go back to our room, started a plan. a dangerous one, which was, across the heavy rain under a garbage plastic! btw, nobody brought an umbrella as nobody expected things would turn out like this.

at first, there were many wanted to join us. but then, seeing the lightning and the loud thunder, everybody started to freak out. including me. but i really wanted to go back badly. so, me, k.nurul and mira without thinking, we walked under the garbage plastic. it was to prevent us from getting wet. but, somehow along the way, i started to freak out, i mean, really freaked out, so i took my step and began to run. with my long dress or jubah, i ran along the way. until i reached the boy's block.

it was really a stupid, immediate marathon. i was running out of breath, as i rested for a while. then i began my journey, running again, without thinking nobody's looking, without thinking people will laugh, without thinking i might be mistaken for a clown, i ran!! i don't care, i just wanted to go back safely and IMMEDIATELY. so, pit stop by pit stop, i finally reached my room. my chest was running up and down as i tried to inhale as many oxygen as possible. i really am exhausted. but maybe because i ate too much previously.

anyway, today, i tested my cardiovascular, and it proved to me that, i need to do some running whenever i am free. i probably felt that way because i was scared, so my heart beats so fast, plus the running, so i really am going to need a whole lot of oxygen at that time.

so, yeah, this was the craziest night ever.


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