why a teacher?

assalamualaikum wbt n peace upon all..

When people asked me why a teacher? Why do you choose this career?, I can hardly answer it. even now. I just did it at first because of my dad. I feel like I have the responsibility to make him happy. He's my father whom I love the most. The man I loved the most a part from my brothers. Love needs sacrifices, am I right? Well, nobody says that is the fixed rule for love, but I think love cannot be separated from sacrifice. I wanted to be something else, perhaps, a pharmacist. That's my dream. but, I chose to be in this career instead of pharmacist. My dad once day told me that he wanted at least one of his children become a teacher, taking over his career. since my elder brother had missed the chance to be one, the responsibility had come to me. so, I decided to fulfill my dad's wish. why not? why can't I fulfill my dad's wish since he had fulfilled most of my wishes. n the most important thing is, without him, I am nothing.

but I know, being here, I already have the responsibilities towards my country, my people and most importantly, to my religion, my GOD, Allah swt.. being in you career, who will you serve? what will you do for your religion?

my lecturer said, the job of the army is to protect life, the job of a doctor is to save life, and the job of a teacher is to CHANGE life. so, whose life are you going to change? is it for yourself or also for the sake of others?

some people might look down upon this career, but being a teacher is not an easy job. it's not just about teaching, it's about training and changing the student from every aspect of life. so why choose a tough job? let me tell you something, there's no such thing as an easy job in this world. there's nothing like, no problem for a certain job, there must be. well at least one I can say~

to be a teacher, you have to be ready physically and mentally. you have to be good in controlling you emotion. this might not work for some other people. to teach someone who is at a zero condition, you got to have passion and patience. it's like an art. isn't it? you can say that you can teach anyone you like, very easy. well how about 100 students per year? will you be able to do that? I am not going to say, being a teacher is the most noble profession of all. NO. of course not.

I just wanted to make a clear cut to those who always look down upon us, being a teacher...

Don't judge a person based on your point of view, based on what you like, but judge a person when you have walked a mile in his or her shoes.

p/s: I love all my teachers who had given me strength and teaching me things I might never know. light came to me as i know you, teacher~


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