Breakfast Episode : Fried Rice

Hey girls. Or guys.. 

Welcome back to breakfast episode. :) 

Fried Rice 

Careful ! It's spicy. 

Despite of being so tired yesterday, I manage to wake up early again and cook myself this breakfast. 

I can say that I am the expert of Fried Rice. It's not so perfect but it tastes nice. I cooked extra for my housemates too. Well, how kind I am... 

If you want the recipe, you can just google it. Of course you can do it my way. But mine is so complicated that I don't think you will understand if I explain it to you. 

But !

I will tell you the ingredients. 

  • Rice
  • Belacan 
  • Chilies 
  • Onions 
  • Garlic
  • Vegetables
  • Sausages 

Of course you can also add some other things like anchovies, meat, anything that is good with Fried Rice. 

Happy Breakfast. And Have a nice day. Morning everyone. 


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