Breakfast Episode : Vegetable Soup

I have been planning to do this episode for such a long time.But now only I get the chance to do it. So here goes.  Why do I call it episode? It's not even a vlog.

This is the breakfast episode. Today, I woke up at 5.10 am just to cook for my breakfast. Well, you don't have to actually wake up this early to prepare for your breakfast. I am just being me. The early riser. :)

Yesterday I was craving for vegetable soup. So last night, me and boyfie went out and bought all the vegetables that I like. Of course lah I have to choose my favourite vegetables if not I won't be eating it.

Let's take a look at the pictures shall we? 

Here are all the vegie. 

Finished cooking! Time to eat this tasty soup. It was very tasty. I am not lying. 

A picture of mine is a must coz babe, it's my blog. 
 Here's another story. I was typing this entry and right after I clicked on upload pictures, K.nurul switched off the modem. So I decided to post it later and ended up posting it later than it was supposed to be. Sorry guys. 

This is just an idea of what you can have in the early morning. Simple yet very delicious and most importantly, it's healthy. Good luck trying it tomorrow. I am sure it will give you a boost for the whole day. Or half the day. :) 

Until next time. I will write again and connect with you guys. Later. Thank you for taking your precious time to read this. I appreciate it. Love ya. 


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